- 8.9.2012
I took final results as a basis for participation recalculation, the real numbers you can see in the Graph of participants or in the Excel file .
- 7.9.2012
Overall champions, duo Ensaar brothers, have drawn their route using WRC 2012 Route Gadget. We invite all teams to draw their routes as well – comparison among competitors is always useful..
Course Vetter and Jury have approved WRC 2012 Final Report. Preliminary results have been official now.- 6.9.2012
We have prepared a table of medal distribution among participating countries:
Rank Country Gold medals Silver medals Bronze medals 1 Russia 3 1 4 2 Ukraine 3 0 2 3 Czech Republic 2 4 0 4 Australia 2 2 2 5-6 Estonia 1 1 0 5-6 Finland 1 1 0 7 New Zealand 0 2 0 8 Latvia 0 1 3 9 Poland 0 0 1 - 5.9.2012
On the page of Results & Statistics we added team splits sorted by categories.
Routes drawing using Route Gadget programme has been enabled. Please draw your route::
1. Check "Draw your route"
2. Choose class/route
3. Choose your name = choose your team
4. Draw your route and compare it with other teams
In case of any doubt read English Instructions. Uploading of a GPS log is also possible, read instructions.
Today few new photos were added into the Photogallery.- 4.9.2012
We have checked splits and found only two teams breaching the "one minute rule". Their result was corrected and included into page of Results & Statistics providing splits and various other informations. Check whether you visited any check point as the first team, compare your speed at a leg with the World Champions or your rivals, find how effective your route planning was (see team rank ordered by gained points per km) etc.
Speaking of statistics - we have counted that 697 participants in 333 teams from 28 countries took part in the event. The number of participants was little increased on Saturday, when we organized a small 2-hour minirogaining for local people, journalists and accompanying persons. 17 participants from 5 countries took part in the race, see the minirogaining map and results.
And in the end - in our WRC 2012 Photogallery new pictures have been released again.- 3.9.2012
We are correcting splits and results of all teams that weren´t awarded points for a first-visited check point due to breaching the rule of punching a checkpoint within one minute. We admit that one recording device per checkpoint close to Hash House was not sufficient at all. We ask all the concerned teams to let us know: kaj@kaj.cz. We are truly sorry for this situation. However, medal positions shouldn´t be influenced.
We´re through a three-day period of dealing with protests, we are also analysing courses and split times of all teams. Discovery of forbidden collaboration may result in disqualification of caught teams. You can check the frequency of visits to checkpoints in the table of Check-point attendance.
First pictures from the race taken by the organizers have been released in the WRC 2012 Photogallery. We also welcome links to competitors´ pics taken during the race - please let us know.- 1.9.2012
We have released preliminary results.
- 28.8.2012
The map for WRC 2012 has been printed. Some stats on this huge project:
Area 300 km2, 60x43 cm format, printed on Tyvek. Scale 1:40000, E=10m. Highest point Auersberg 1018 m, lowest point Svatava River 490 m. 4400 kms of contours, 1770 kms of tracks/roads, 143 lakes, 5 km2 of bogs and 740 km of streams and rivers. 5 km2 of settlement and 42 crosses.
The cartography work generated 1706 files totaling 16,6 GB! For the printshop (Zaket) 5 files in 1 - layout.ocd with background map.ocd, in it another two backgrounds transparent yellow.ocd (rough open areas) and green .tiff showing forest. Plus course setting file on the top of that.
And big respect to all the cartographers who participated on the map. The trail network had to be made manually! Hundreds of kilometers of biking, running and walking. Fieldwork: Aleš Hejna - Olles maps (www.facebook.com/ollesmaps), Miroslav Seidl, Jan Tojnar, Martin Sajal, Jan Čech, Tomáš Švihla, Milan Bílý and Roman Horký. The cartography was greatly enhanced also by Jakub Hulec, Josef Hejna and Milan Borovička. Thanks guys!- 26.8.2012
We have recalculated the numbers of the entered participants. Now we register 741 participants in 354 teams. Detailed numbers sorted by individual countries are drawn in a distribution graph of the registered entrants.
- 25.8.2012
The Last information before the event has been issued. Have a look at the maximal possible value of gained points, explanation of Special map symbols, Map of the event centre, information about Hash House and catering and further useful details. Information about the transport provided by organizers has been precised as well and we have mailed to all participants who will be given a lift by organizers'car.
- 13.8.2012
As we announced before all entries of teams that haven’t paid their entry fee up to 12 August were canceled. There were some cancellation as well and now we register 750 participants in 358 teams. Detailed numbers sorted by individual countries are drawn in a distribution graph of the registered entrants.
- 12.8.2012
The WRC 2012 photogallery newly provides some photos from official training area with the centre at restaurant „U medvěda“ = “At bear” in Horní Blatná. They really have a bear there, not biting, just smiling. On the other hand in forest you may meet some biting animals. On a wide vehicle road I photographed a young viper. Australians may be laughing at a creature only a bit more dangerous than a bee or wasp, nevertheless we recommend to mind your steps!
- 11.8.2012
The Bulletin #3 has been issued. The most important items: information about the transport provided by organizers was precized and due to enormous interest in Thursday training we have decided to extend training opportunity into three days.
One week before the race the last info from organizers will be revealed (number of check points, maximal value of gained points, explanation of special map symbols and further useful details).- 10.8.2012
Lovers of history and nature may be intersted in Tourist info, an article about history of the Ore Mountains and a map overview of natural and historical landmarks there.
- 9.8.2012
We prepared a list of useful meteo websites from the race area.
- 7.8.2012
On Monday August 13 we are going to order WRC 2012 T-shirts at the producer. To be sure you will get your T-shirt in appropriate size, don't hesitate and order via on-line form. Meanwhile you can examine a preview.
- 6.8.2012
WRC organizers ask all teams that haven’t paid their starting fee yet to settle the bill up to Sunday August 12. Summarizing the WRC entries we register few teams that just entered and didn’t pay. Some of them even haven’t responded our mails. After the August 12 all the non-payers will be considered as a team not going to start at the race and their entry will be canceled.
List of non-responding teams: 39 (Mironova+?), 106 (Dodonov/Lukjanov), 119 (duo Erokhin), 237 (Rozanov/Varlamova), 248 (Kaczmarek/ Niemiec), 343 (Dederchuk/Yaremchuk/Moldavchuk), 387 (Thufvesson/Enander), 468 (duo Labus), 476 (Kucera, Kucerova) and 477 (Alexejeva/Platonova).
List of non-paid, but responding teams: 203 (Mazan/Andrzejewski), 374 (Godins/Godina) and 388 (Semichev/Evtyukhov).- 3.8.2012
We are finishing the Bulletin #3 now. The most important info from the document is to be revealed few days in advance. For a low interest in bus transport provided by organizers we probably cancel all the chartered buses and replace them by cars of organizers. All applicants who booked seats via on-line reservation form: http://www.rogaining.cz/wrc2012/shop/?lang=en will be contacted via mail or approached by an organizer wearing WRC T-shirt at a bus stop. Dead line of the seat booking is Sunday August 12th 2012. After this date we will only register further bookings and accept them only if we have free transport capacity.
- 14.7.2012
Today we have settled all VISA invitations of applicants who provided us data via Invitation website.
Unfortunately we register only minimal interest in booking of the chartered buses offered by organizers. We invite all possible travellers to ask via WRC 2012 e-shop. If the interest remains low, the number of the planned buses might be reduced and organizers would guarantee transport to the event centre only to people who ordered it in advance.
Field work in the forest has made progress and we revealed further photos in WRC 2012 photogallery.- 14.6.2012
WRC 2012 e-shop has been launched as well. Now you can book a seat in a chartered bus, training map or service for an accompanying person, order a compasses and souvenir T-shirt WRC 2012 (design will be revealed soon).
- 13.6.2012
WRC 2012 photogallery has been updated.
- 12.6.2012
The number of registered participants is changing every day. Today we have more than 820 registered entrants.
We have invited 141 applicants for the Czech VISA. All competitors who need an invitation letter from organizers should ask no later than June 30 via Invitation website. We won't be able to guarantee a prompt VISA servis during holidays.- 21.5.2012
Some participants have canceled their entry, today we have 828 registered entrants from 30 countries. See distribution of the registered entrants.
Now you can check rivals in your category. We added a filter to enable sorting of the start list into individual categories.- 10.5.2012
Bulletin #2 has been issued. In few days we are going to prepare an on-line form enabling booking seats in chartered buses to and from the event centre, buying of compasses for northern hemisphere, souvenir WRC T-shirts etc.
- 25. 4. 2012
On the website of the Czech Rogaining Championships 2012 organized 23. - 24. 6. 2012 in Hvězdov near Ralsko you can find Event information. You can also register via Entry system.
You can look forward to a varied, technical terrain of a former military area. Apart from the beautiful pine woods, sandstones, whinstone hillocks, lakes and moorlands, the diversity of the area is made exceptional by a bison enclosure, occasional sulphuric acid left after uranium mining and house residues or personal belongings leftover by the Soviet army.- 15. 4. 2012
All WRC 2012 participants who need a letter of invitation in order to get the Czech visa now can ask organizers via Invitation website containing an application form and a list of all applicants. All required data have to be filled in truthfully and carefully including the address of the relevant embassy we shall appeal at - choose from the Czech embassy list.
Mind that according to the Schengen Agreement any visa application has to be handed in not earlier than 3 month before the starting date of a visit the destination country. Visa arrangement would take 30 days maximally, usually it should be arranged in 10 working days.
We will try to solve all invitations via mail (for free). If any extra fee is necessary (post stamp etc.) we will ask it from an applicant at the registration desk in Prebuz.- 2. 2. 2012
For people seeking a potential rogaining partner for the WRC 2012 we prepared a meeting program SEEP= “Seek a partner”. Just fill-in form and wait for response of a right team-mate.
- 1. 2. 2012
Yesterday, 31st January, the Phase #2 was finished and Phase #3 started. The total number of the registered competitors reached 837 persons, therefore no waitlist is necessary now. All teams registered up to now will be invited. Up to 31st May all wild cards have to be allocated, therefore all IRF members are asked to inform the WRC2012 organizer whether they are planning to grant any other team by a wild card. It seems not all from 150 reserved wild cards will be needed.
There are few teams that haven’t paid their entry fee yet although they were invited during the Phase #1. Their entries will be reconsidered in Phase #3 now and all teams paying the starting fee before them will be accepted preferentially.- 2. 1. 2012
Phase #2 started 16th December 2011 and ends 31st January 2012. All teams registering during this period will be placed behind teams from Phase #1 in order of receipt of their registration. If and when the total number of registered competitors exceeds 850 (the entry limit 1000 minus 150 places reserved for wildcards for national associations and for teams from under-represented rogaining countries), any following registering teams will be placed on waiting list until the release of any wildcards. According to the WRC Entry Criteria, teams from under-represented rogaining countries, up to a total of 10 competitors per country inclusive of current registrations will have a priority entry if they register before the end of Phase 2.
- 24. 12. 2011
We have invited all prequalified teams. Few of them have already payed. Now we are going to invite non-prequalified teams registered during the Phase #1 as well. 774 participants have been registred up to 24. 12. 2011. All of them will be invited.
- 16. 12. 2011
The WRC 2012 web suffered from a server breakdown in the end of Phase #1. If anybody was unable to register during the last day of Phase #1, let us now and we will accept his entry as it was done on 14th Dec 2011.
All 341 teams registered during Phase #1 will be invited in few weeks. There is no hurry now, enjoy Christmas time. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
- 14.12.2011
Phase #1 is closing up today. The number of registered entrants should not exceed 800. If the estimation is right, all teams registered during Phase #1 are in and they will be invited to confirm their entry by paying the entry fee.
- 15.11.2011
Preliminary information about the forthcoming WRC 2012 are available. See Bulletin #1.
- 11.11.2011
The IRF has accepted Selection criteria for the WRC 2012. All applications for entry will be taken via an online entry form that will be available when registration opens. Registration process will be organized in three phases:
Phase #1 starts at 00:00 hours Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on 1st December 2011. All Entrants are able to register during this period. If you find yourselves in list of prequalified entrants, you will be asked to confirm your entry by paying of entry fee. If you mean you have been omitted, please mail to: jan.tojnar@rogaining.cz.
Phase #1 ends on 14th December 2011 24:00 GMT. All Pre-Qualifying Entrants wishing to take advantage of their Pre-Qualifying Entrant status MUST register during this period.
Phase #2 starts on 15th December 2011 00:00 GMT and ends 31st January 2012. All teams registering during this period will be placed on the waitlist behind teams from Phase 1 in order of receipt of their registration. If the number of total registered teams from Phase #1 exceeds the number of places available, including places reserved for wildcards, then the Non Pre-Qualifying Entrant registrant teams will be listed in order by ballot. After 31st January we probably will have two waitlists, one containing European and the second non-European teams.
Phase #3 opens on 1st February 2012 and all teams registering during this period continue to be placed on the waitlist behind teams from the ballot process and Phase #2 in order of receipt of their registration.
In case of any personal change in a team registered during Phase #1 we will check whether the team keeps its PQE status. All prequalified teams will be involved into Phase #2 as well - they will get their order in ballot (if any) and if they loose their PQE status, we will treat them according to the order in the waitlist as well.
Bulletin #1 will be published on Wednesday 16th November 2011.
- 06.06.2011
See Picture Gallery with several photos from the race area.
- 29.05.2011
Website of the race has been launched.