Česká asociace rogainingu a horského orientačního běhu

  • Rogaine Course Setting and Vetting Workshop after WRC2015

    On Monday 24 August and Tuesday 25 August 2015 a 2 day workshop will be presented at the event centre of WRC2015 in Kiilopää, Finland with a mix of theory and field practical sessions to discuss rogaine course setting/vetting processes and approaches. There will be a combination of larger group presentation/discussion and smaller groups with an experienced coach to spread ideas on course setting techniques and philosophy between different areas of the world.
    Theory sessions will cover issues such as:
    - area selection, permissions and access
    - level of competition - local, national, international
    - map - scale, accuracy
    - armchair setting - control distribution, course structure
    - setting - checking and taping control sites
    - vetting - checking setters work, negotiate changes if required
    - use of GPS
    - final map - point allocation
    Workshop sessions will put these ideas into practice with group discussions over the 2 days. WRC, regional and national championship courses will be used as case studies.
    Field sessions will cover:
    - field setting - map accuracy, taping, checking various approaches, moving controls
    - take armchair courses and tape on map in small groups
    - swap courses with another group and vet
    - discuss setting and vetting process and issues with matching group
    It will be important to have sufficient experienced setters working with participants. Ratio of coaches to participants 1 for 3-5 people.
    There may be a nominal charge to cover material costs and possibly catering.
    If you are interested as either a participant or coach please contact David Baldwin by e-mail to: wrc.workshop2015@act.rogaine.asn.au

    Strzelinské rogainingy

    Od severních sousedů přišla pozvánka na tradiční noční 8-hodinové rogainingy - letní Siapula rogaining 13.-14.6 ve Szklarach a podzimní 'Szlakiem opadlych lisci' v termínu 21.-22.11. Start večer, konec k ránu, rozpis v češtině, okolo hodiny cesty od Náchoda nebo Opavy ...

    WRC 2015 v Laponsku

    V Bulletinu #3 pořadatelé mj. specifikovali program MS a povinnou výbavu. Správa parku zakázala jakékoli, třebas dočasné, odkládání batohu během závodu.
    Pro plánování trasy pořadatel neposkytne žádný přístřešek se stoly a místy k sezení. Všichni budeme muset povinně zůstat v prostoru kempu, který naopak až do okamžiku startu opustí všechny doprovodné osoby. A pořadatelé budou kontrolovat stany, zda přitom nedochází k porušení pravidel. No prostě bude sranda.


    Come and explore the Red Centre of Australia in 2016!
    Australia’s most experienced setters are planning a course that is bound to challenge the world’s best rogainers, as well as provide an exciting opportunity to explore stunning scenery in a very remote area. Picture spectacular rock formations, beautiful gorges and wide, dry watercourses with complex contour detail and very few trails…
    The World Rogaining Championships will be held on 23-24 July 2016 at the Ross River Resort and adjacent properties, less than an hour’s drive from Alice Springs, in the centre of Australia. Easily accessible, the Alice Springs Airport has daily connections to all major Australian cities. Why not combine the World Rogaining Championships with orienteering around Alice Springs in the days prior to the Championships, or participate in orienteering or rogaining events in other areas around Australia? You could visit Sydney, Melbourne or the Great Barrier Reef, or visit one of our many world-famous wine regions while in Australia.
    Alternatively, see the sights of Central Australia and explore Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon or hike sections of the 223km Larapinta Trail.
    You can explore the course and surrounding features at http://worldrogainingchamps.com.au/ for a taste of rogaining in a very special part of Australia. Please sign up to the mailing list on this teaser website, to ensure you will be notified when the main event website is launched.
    We look forward to seeing you at the 2016 World Rogaining Championships in Australia.

    ERC 2015

    Poněkud ve stínu WRC ve Finsku zůstalo české mistrovství, které je současně mistrovstvím Evropy. Počet účastníků je omezen na 350, přihlášky za první startovné jsou do 30.3. Informace najdete na stránkách mistrovství

    WRC 2015 News

    Pořadatelé WRC 2015 zveřejnili Bulletin #2.
    Od 15. ledna se mohou registrovat všichni, kdo mají zájem startovat. Limit účasti 1000 osob kdyžtak bude navýšen.
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