Česká asociace rogainingu a horského orientačního běhu

  • Rogaine Course Setting and Vetting Workshop after WRC2015

    On Monday 24 August and Tuesday 25 August 2015 a 2 day workshop will be presented at the event centre of WRC2015 in Kiilopää, Finland with a mix of theory and field practical sessions to discuss rogaine course setting/vetting processes and approaches. There will be a combination of larger group presentation/discussion and smaller groups with an experienced coach to spread ideas on course setting techniques and philosophy between different areas of the world.
    Theory sessions will cover issues such as:
    - area selection, permissions and access
    - level of competition - local, national, international
    - map - scale, accuracy
    - armchair setting - control distribution, course structure
    - setting - checking and taping control sites
    - vetting - checking setters work, negotiate changes if required
    - use of GPS
    - final map - point allocation
    Workshop sessions will put these ideas into practice with group discussions over the 2 days. WRC, regional and national championship courses will be used as case studies.
    Field sessions will cover:
    - field setting - map accuracy, taping, checking various approaches, moving controls
    - take armchair courses and tape on map in small groups
    - swap courses with another group and vet
    - discuss setting and vetting process and issues with matching group
    It will be important to have sufficient experienced setters working with participants. Ratio of coaches to participants 1 for 3-5 people.
    There may be a nominal charge to cover material costs and possibly catering.
    If you are interested as either a participant or coach please contact David Baldwin by e-mail to: wrc.workshop2015@act.rogaine.asn.au